(too old to reply)
marilyn dunkle
2011-04-26 13:09:55 UTC
republicans are mean~een~een~een~een~een~een~een~een~een
2011-04-29 17:52:01 UTC
Post by marilyn dunkle
republicans are mean~een~een~een~een~een~een~een~een~een
I quite agree. Had you anything particular in mind?
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk.
I don't check that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've
sent me an e-mail.
marilyn dunkle
2011-05-06 21:02:42 UTC
No. I was just fooling around to see if anybody responded. Since you
did....This is my latest rant...here in tx. They are taking billions out
of education and capping the taxes on luxury yachts at 250,000$ If you
want to buy million dollar yacht come to tx. Hey! you can get illegal
aliens to work on it for you cheap, or if you want to play by the letter
of the law we have the (percentage wise) most minimum wage workers in
the nation. We can usually say "thank god for Mississippi", not this
2011-05-08 13:40:31 UTC
Capping the taxes on luxury yachts - how on earth are they justifiying that?
Or aren't they even bothering with an excuse? Cheek of some people! Mind
you, Britain can't talk. Over here, second homes incur LESS tax than main
homes. So in tourist areas nearly all the houses are snapped up for holiday
homes, but if one of the locals manages to afford one, she'll pay much
higher rates on it than the millionaire next door who uses the house one
weekend a year. And the Government moans about the housing shortage!
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk.
I don't check that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've
sent me an e-mail.
Michael America
2011-05-10 20:11:49 UTC
left wing kooks lie and say republicans are mean to coverup their own
leftists have murdered over 100 million people worldwide in the last
100 years.
democRATS in america have killed thousands of americans with their jack
booted thugs so far.
waco ,texas ,come to mind with over 80 christians murdered.
so, don't fall for that "repubs are mean crap" meant to hide the
democRATS atrocities.
2011-05-11 17:51:47 UTC
Post by Michael America
left wing kooks lie and say republicans are mean to coverup their own
leftists have murdered over 100 million people worldwide in the last
100 years.
democRATS in america have killed thousands of americans with their jack
booted thugs so far.
waco ,texas ,come to mind with over 80 christians murdered.
so, don't fall for that "repubs are mean crap" meant to hide the
democRATS atrocities.
Well, so far I have plenty of reason to think republicans are mean, and no
particular reason to think the Democrats have ever murdered anyone. If you
have any evidence then by all means post it.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk.
I don't check that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've
sent me an e-mail.
Michael America
2011-05-22 04:27:55 UTC
the democrats have murdered many americans..
look at waco. a church that was attacked by helecopter gunships on a
how about the democrats affirmative action laws? they have killed many
people. the jetliner that crashed into a car near chicago because it's
brakes failed. it killed a little kid eating a happy meal singing
christmass carols on his way to his grandmas house to open presents. the
affirmative action women who worked on the brakes that morning actually
complained she could not do the job due to its heavy lifting.

the affirmative action back male who ran his train into the back of
another train from south bend to chicago.. a young girl had her head
ripped off in the crash. he admitted he was not qualified for the job.
the chicago trubune investigaed and found he was hired at the last
minute to fill a "quota".....i could go on and on..

liberal judges who have let black male murders go free or have given
them only a few years for murder,only to have them get out and murder an
american citizen again..
Ed Golenski
2011-05-18 04:43:55 UTC
Why is it that when the Democrats are in we have good times? When the
Republicas are in we have hard times. It happened after WW1. Things
were fine until Herbert Hoover took over. Then FDR came in and
straightened out. We had the NRA and people began to live better.
Then we had more good times with Bill Clinton. But , when George
Worthless Bush came in, within one year we had 3,000,000 people out of
work and the Country in a recession, more like a depression. Now
President Obama is stuck with the crap that the Repuclicans left our
Country with. We have had more good times(during my lifetime) than with
Democrats Than with Repuclicans. The Republicans only take care of the
rich. If you want an auto in every garage and a chicken in every pot,
Michael America
2011-05-22 04:33:38 UTC
ed, if you think 4 dollar a gallon gas and 9% unemployment is "good
times" then i can't help you.
good times? you mean the democrats starting the vietnam war ? we lost
thousand of men ..
good times ? the internet crash killing the stock market in the late
90's during clintons preidency.. the first world trade tower bombing,
the okc bombing,waco massacre and the twa800 bombing..are those good

Joseph Carullo
2011-05-12 04:19:45 UTC
i feelthat way about liberal left wing democrates, they are our problem
in wasj\ington today joe c at ***@webtv.net