John Ross
2009-09-27 08:14:40 UTC
not a moderate bueracrat.... that's the last time I ever believe some
passionate campaign promises or give a rat's about any politician... I
was so excited about voting for a guy with such common sense, intellect
and passion to do what's right... what happens to these people when they
enter the white house? They forget everything they were sent there to do
so fast... this country is doomed, can't wait to see it all fall apart i
guess ;/
passionate campaign promises or give a rat's about any politician... I
was so excited about voting for a guy with such common sense, intellect
and passion to do what's right... what happens to these people when they
enter the white house? They forget everything they were sent there to do
so fast... this country is doomed, can't wait to see it all fall apart i
guess ;/