I voted for a progressive liberal....
(too old to reply)
John Ross
2009-09-27 08:14:40 UTC
not a moderate bueracrat.... that's the last time I ever believe some
passionate campaign promises or give a rat's about any politician... I
was so excited about voting for a guy with such common sense, intellect
and passion to do what's right... what happens to these people when they
enter the white house? They forget everything they were sent there to do
so fast... this country is doomed, can't wait to see it all fall apart i
guess ;/
Gene Tracy
2009-10-12 23:53:09 UTC
You had this all layed out for you and still you voted for him !
Suffer on .
Kterl email
2009-10-13 01:59:31 UTC
Yes, jeengeen. It was all there for the seeing before the election.
However, we must all "suffer on" now...because the voters were
blinded/blind-sided or the cards were already stacked?

Not that it makes much difference really, but at least, some voters are
recognizing their mistake and admitting it...others are still clinging
to "hope" ~ sadly.
Kenn Smith
2009-10-13 15:54:37 UTC
Actually, the only thing my family is suffering from is the Bush
generated recession.

As is typical of the far right conservatives you're willing to make
final conclusions on little evidence. President Obama has served
approximately 13% of his elected term of office and you've already made
final judgement on him. He inherited two wars, a collapsing economic
system and industrial base, a collapsed housing market and a few other
minor problems which, in your view, he was supposed to fix in just over
200 days.

While I do not wholeheartedly support every effort he is trying I'm at
least willing to wait until midterm to start measuring his success or
2009-10-21 22:11:25 UTC
"change" transparency".....lol

David Lubin
2009-10-23 06:36:27 UTC
I believe you and many others are guilty of buying into panic and
desperation for power. To this end, you allowed yourselves to be taken
over by the far left fringe of your party, that was evan more skillful,
disciplined and desperate for power.
This fringe has little in common with you and your traditional Party. As
a matter of fact, it has much more in common* with the Communist Party
U.S.A. *Everyone reading this, please do the following!
After completing this op piece, read through the Web pages of the
Communist Party U.S.A. I guarantee that a mind blowing experience. Why
mind blowing? Plain and simple. The Communist Party U.S.A. web site is
lock step in TONE and POLICY with the Democrat Party. (snore) DO NOT
TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. Just read it. The hour is
getting late-Im going to skip ahead to what is definitely in store for
traditional liberal or progressive Democrats both in and out of Congress
and the Administration. People like Larry Summers etc. etc and people
like YOU. Does the word "purge" bring a grimace to your far head and
far away look to your eyes?
Will your landing be soft or hard? But, you may well ask,
"who will they use to replace me?" To which I reply, "how about the
band of certified Marxist and Maoists who are presently White House
consultants? It's a done deal.
